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WYO Buckin' Beans

5 Pound Bags

5 Pound Bags

Regular price $110.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $110.00 USD
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We seal your favorite Cast Iron Roasted coffee in quality grade Kraft 5 pound bags with built-in gusset. 

To keep your desired coffee to the best flavor as possible, we recommended storing your coffee in a dark sealed container. 

Light and air will make your coffee start tasting stale. Now you don't want that! Do you?? 

 To Freeze or not to Freeze?

Many have asked this question. I believe it is personal preference. Like anything that sits in the freezer too long, it can become Freezer burnt.

~Also make sure freezer/refrigerator isn't harboring any unwanted old leftovers. Coffee is a natural deodorizer and their small pours trap in odors and tastes. 















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